Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nothing too deep...

Lately I've been thinking a little differently. I've been having more moments where I don't want to deal with people, the public and anyone that puts on airs. For some reason, the blatant show of fake smiles and laughs make me annoyed. If someone laughs, I want to know that it means just that. Laughter. Something tickled them. Joy. I don't like hearing people laugh as a sound to fill the silence. I suppose laughter is something that has different sorts from the genuine to the hu-rumph.

I suppose I'm just tired of people lying to me with their presence. "How are you today?" "Fine." Lies! I know people are people, but sometimes I just have enough of the small talk and preludes to an actual conversation. It reminds me of a movie I heard of once. Invention of Lying. I've never seen it, but the idea is interesting. A world where no one can lie. Everyone tells exactly what they're thinking rude and all. But, one man invents lying. Interesting concept... Anyway... I've noticed lately I've been much happier just being home listening to the rain with the dogs. Maybe a vacation from people is in the cards. *shrug*

In other news, I've discovered the fun of Yoga, Hatha Vinyasa I believe it is called. Just been enjoying it. I've also been taking at least 2 long walks in the park every week. It's amazing how much you miss something when you don't do it... With the rain we've been having combined with such heat... it's been hard to get out there. I know my dog's been missing them. I guess I'm just very thankful and very motivated and oddly centered. Life is something I cannot ignore. Life is something of an adventure and... even though sometimes I don't want to see another human face or want to become a hermit part time... I am glad that the universe created me and I created my universe.

Enough contemplation right now... lets just listen to the rain...


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