Monday, January 18, 2010

My dog ate my Book of Shadows...

Well...he ate some of it. More like, he ate the corner spine of the book I keep some of my spiritual thoughts and reflections in. I go into my room and my schnauzer has found the notebook (which was still in a bag of all things) and ate a corner off. I am just thankful he didn't eat the pages. I had a moment where I thought: Should I freak? Or should I just shrug it off? I chose the shrug. Then the thought came into my mind: What if he ate the entirety of the volume I've been working on? Thoughts of sadness, anger, frustration and lack of control flew through my mind and... another one flashed.

*Flash!* Snap out of it! Are you your Book of Shadows? Does it take away the power within? Does it take away the power without? Save for the fact you put energy into something and it came near to destruction, what all have you lost?

Nothing. If I give power to the fear, I give power to something other than myself. I lose. Besides, the acceptance that I am not master of all is actually quite freeing. I need a little wack off my high horse on occasion, a little slap out of my pride. Besides, I love my dog. What's more important? ... I know some people would actually say that their Book of Shadows is much more important than their pet. That's their prerogative. That's their choice. In a way, I tie my own hands by allowing myself to live a life of personal morals that include: Must Love Dogs. And, as long as I'm okay with the outcome, be it shredded carpets, missing glasses and a not-so-perfect binding for my thoughts... I will just have to accept it with a sigh and a shrug.

In other news, I actually did post a more recent blog on here. A nice long enjoyable just...didn't work... As a person that is used to cutting and pasting her work from a word document to blogs, it is somewhat annoying to realize that blogger just doesn't like that. I wouldn't mind any advice there on how to be able to succeed in cutting and pasting info. from another source so that I can share with you guys on blogspot.. I know nothing of Html. So, if anyone knows how to fix this problem, I'm all ears. :)

Also in other news, I've been active in the Bardic Circle that's been going on in the area. I look forward to the next one which is the Friday after Imbolc. But, what I've been quite excited about is that I've decided to be the contact for the return of the Pagan Night Out. I miss it. It was something I came to depend on, and for over two years, it's just not been happening. So... we're starting it in March and thanks to a very nice small business owner named Tavane, we have a place. I think the area needs it, at least to depend on a continuous event that has both the organization of having presentations etc. and the social hour after (in a place people know and door to the local Pagan/Earth Centered Trad. store). With the help of my friend Rowena and anyone else who'd like to help out, I am thankful for this chance to start anew something that I think will be a big help for those who just need a break.

I've also learned something else...and this is perhaps more important and a tad serious compared to the former part of this post. My mother had to go to the emergency room a few weeks ago. She was having complications from a previous surgery to her abdomen. Before anyone freaks, she's fine now. However, she kept asking me what I saw. If everything was okay. Frightened and in pain, she wanted answers. I couldn't give them. I told her exactly what I saw, a bulging with contractions of pain pushing in right *and I'd point to the place where I saw it* there. There was movement of energy and no black spots. But, I couldn't decipher it. First, I was exhausted and it was early in the morning. I wasn't on my A game. Second, I'd never seen energy that way before. I did feel helpless, at least when it came to telling her what I saw.

Then, I have to have another flash of *Snap out of it!* because a) I'm not a doctor, b) I did the best thing I could have done by taking her to the ER and contacted/updated everyone. c) Everything turned out fine. She had surgery and got the problem fixed.

She's going back to work on Tuesday and she's feeling great. :)

So in conclusion: Preparation and decisive actions used in accordance with a brain = positive outcome (most likely) Thanks for reading and enjoy your Imbolc.


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