Monday, March 16, 2009

Still trying not to care and laughing

It's working better than I thought it would. At least, reminding myself to not care is working better than I thought it would. Ok, that article I posted on Witchvox, is totally not my best work. It is sketchy and is basically me rambling. *shrug* Oh well, such is life. I love to ramble. I may have said something that makes little sense in there... my sarcasm isn't as biting as it could be. In fact, I'm lacking quite a lot in that department depending on the subject matter. But, I was aiming at 'sarcasm.' Someone actually thought I meant that 'rpgs' were the same thing as Wicca. They emailed me to say that Wicca doesn't have anything to do with throwing fireballs. I actually emailed them back to say thanks for the honesty, and they gave me a bad addy. I didn't like thinking that someone else thought I was ignorant on that subject. So, now I'm trying not to care. I caught myself caring what someone I don't even know thinks about what I do with my life and my article. The hell with that. I'm laughing at it! Important thing that, laughter.

I'm a perfectionist. This is a blessing and a curse. But, I was also brought up to care a lot about a lot of different things. So, I was an equal opportunity care..giver? I guess that's appropriate. So I am making a choice not to care. Giving someone power over yourself is stupid. I'm not going to do it. :) Laughter. Best medicine, yes?

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