Thursday, May 27, 2010

A working group

Not too long ago, I was able to have a good discussion on energy and perhaps having a good working group, or rather those who practice magic or energy work together. Anywho, a few nights ago, I was thinking on the fact that energies merge, mesh, mix when working with others. Like mixing colors on a pallet...or perhaps more like mixing the colors on a canvas to make a whole new organism... a whole new picture. For the past, I dunno... 8 years I haven't practiced regularly with more than one or two people at a time. Generally, I work alone. I've attended open circles and hosted them as well, but energy work and open circles... well... you just have to have a style that works with those sorts of energies. Me, I don't really enjoy 'calling quarters' or using athames or wands. My style is just different. I've been approached by some friends I've known for a very long time in hopes of actually starting a working group.

Each person has their own style and focus. Each person is unique, just like everybody else. (I had to say it... just had to. ^_^) The other night, we did an energy exercise aka playing with words. In this instance, it was a word association exercise. I say "cat", person 1 says "dog", person 2 says "fur" etc etc. While observing the energy exchange, I realized that certain energies can override and sway others strongly in that direction. For instance, sexual energy. It is, when people have a rapport with one another, contagious. If one person is highly focused on something so primal and instinctive, it sways the conversation to center over it. (it's hard to get your mind out of the gutter once people jump in with both feet) That energy can be used as a driving force or it can get in the way. That is something that must be considered when working closely with others. Also, some people project energy at a more intense rate while others are more mellow. Would that strength of focus or choice to express themselves so openly be a problem in the future? I'm thinking that ultimately that will to focus will be used as a positive thing, however it must be brought to light as an aspect of the individual and a facet of the group dynamic. When you work with others, you must use what you have. We are each others tools... so to speak. A synchronized dance of instinct, power, education, trust and love. Everyone is an ingredient. Like good gumbo. :) (can you tell I haven't had lunch yet?)

When choosing working partners, what is the most important? Similar interests? Similar goals? Similar styles? I think that overall there must be a degree of chemistry among the group. An ability to accept each others' idiosyncrasies yet still be able to call bulls***. To see each other by the light of moon and by the light of the sun. To see the hidden and to see the unveiled face of Self. Above all, work through problems and do not ignore them. When people ignore problems, they fester like a bed sore. I think that's a good piece of advice for life in general, but with a magical group, trust is something that is imperative and can be in danger depending on the problem at hand. What if someone makes someone feel uncomfortable? What if someone says something that hurts the feelings of another?

I've been spoiled. The person I practice the most with, we have such an open line of communication that even when we're angry or cranky... we talk or at least say we'll talk later due to our need of quiet time. Whatever the emotion or event... we know that we're here to help each other be it through listening, talking it out or agreeing to give each other space. Perhaps the most important part of any relationship is an open line of communication.

Well, that lunch isn't going to fix itself. :)

Blessings to you and yours,

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nothing too deep...

Lately I've been thinking a little differently. I've been having more moments where I don't want to deal with people, the public and anyone that puts on airs. For some reason, the blatant show of fake smiles and laughs make me annoyed. If someone laughs, I want to know that it means just that. Laughter. Something tickled them. Joy. I don't like hearing people laugh as a sound to fill the silence. I suppose laughter is something that has different sorts from the genuine to the hu-rumph.

I suppose I'm just tired of people lying to me with their presence. "How are you today?" "Fine." Lies! I know people are people, but sometimes I just have enough of the small talk and preludes to an actual conversation. It reminds me of a movie I heard of once. Invention of Lying. I've never seen it, but the idea is interesting. A world where no one can lie. Everyone tells exactly what they're thinking rude and all. But, one man invents lying. Interesting concept... Anyway... I've noticed lately I've been much happier just being home listening to the rain with the dogs. Maybe a vacation from people is in the cards. *shrug*

In other news, I've discovered the fun of Yoga, Hatha Vinyasa I believe it is called. Just been enjoying it. I've also been taking at least 2 long walks in the park every week. It's amazing how much you miss something when you don't do it... With the rain we've been having combined with such heat... it's been hard to get out there. I know my dog's been missing them. I guess I'm just very thankful and very motivated and oddly centered. Life is something I cannot ignore. Life is something of an adventure and... even though sometimes I don't want to see another human face or want to become a hermit part time... I am glad that the universe created me and I created my universe.

Enough contemplation right now... lets just listen to the rain...
