Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's comin' right for us!

Ever feel something far away hurling in on you like a comet ready to impose a deep frakin' impact crater on your life? Interesting feeling isn't it?

Not necessarily negative. Just... an energy await. Or it could be. In fact, it's an interesting way of doing a sort of booby trap ("That's what I said. Booby traps!")

I've observed this before. A crafting of energy hovering, waiting for a trigger to pull itself into your conscious life. I'd say often the trigger itself is waiting for a certain type of vibration. Using a like energy. Perhaps, by using the Law of Perversity, equiv. Murphy's Law, in your own favor, you could distract this energy. What if you never get quite that vibration down. Find the flaw in the energy. Or rather, not the energy itself but what is behind it.

Since time... or for simplicities sake... Past, Present and Future... or pretty much the same thing. (*coughs* well... from a certain point of view) you can see how this energy is made simply by seeing the present that is the past. Of course, sometimes looking into the past can get a little convoluted or really twisty if you don't look at it from a still-moving perspective. (I suppose like being able to shoot from a saddle as efficiently as you would from a standing position or alternately the idea of surfing, just being the essence of movement) Once you are able to observe the active-energy you can put it in a movement... like pressing play. Once you see this, you can be able to side step it (unless you want the energy to hit you... which is your choice of course). Or disarm it. Or play with it. Or reprogram it. Or whatever it is you enjoy doing.

What amuses me is when I feel something specifically geared towards me. I mean... me? *scoff scoff scoff* I'm just... me. Often looking at this sort of thing, it often comes from the most simplest of directions. The most logical answer is usually the correct one. Trying to look at all angles can sometimes use your thoughts a little too much. It's not always in how much energy you have, it's in what direction that matters. So, use your time wisely becomes use your energy wisely.

Anyway... that's another direction for a different time. And as you can see, even though I haven't written in a while, I'm not dead yet.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Conservation of Energy

I have a great deal of respect for myself. I share myself with those that treat me well and simply exist around those that do not. A relationship is a communication on a larger scale, wouldn't you agree? An endlessly transforming blossom.

Today I decided to release a friend. No, he didn't die or anything. He was one of my first magical working partners ten years back. I took my own advice. "Judge a practitioner by the fruits of his work." "Trust a friend by how much they are willing to give and receive... is it balanced?" It's not all that difficult either to let go of a friend that is no longer a friend. I thought it'd be more difficult. Of course, the voice in the back of my head says that I've already lost him and that the mourning process is just coming to fruition.

Perhaps that's why friends decrease in number as you get wiser. You realize what is friend and what is acquaintance or perhaps passing shadow.

Today is beautiful. The snow is melting fast. The sky is so blue. There really isn't so much need to mourn the movement of energy from one place in my mind to another. I believe my need to finish things is where I stand now. Assessing. I am not one to leave loose ends. The friction within myself gives me a motivation which is helpful. Stagnation is not a choice way I'd live. Action. Fire. It gives me... me. I know myself by every action and like myself even more.

I love myself enough to say 'Fuck you' to someone I called friend when they are no longer thus. I love myself to be cold to another so that I will live successfully. Compassion is reserved like a delicate wine hidden under the floorboards. Perhaps it is just self-preservation. It is choice. And I'm not crying. I'm smiling. Fully.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Simple Craft

I was just thinking today about all of the issues in life. How complicated we make things. How we cling to thoughts and perspectives like we'd drown if we let them go. For the longest time I didn't eat cucumbers (well.. unless their pickled. I love pickles). I didn't like the flavor. Well, that is a thought that I have had since I was a child. So, I decided to open up my mind again and try it. Well, it wasn't as bad as I remembered and I can appreciate it's flavor a good amount better than I did when I was ten. Still won't put it in my salad... but it's got prospects. That day I removed a blockage. I moved it out of my way and sent it packing. The mind is very much like a labyrinth. Once you recognize the power you have to make your own neuronic-way, life becomes simpler. Your way has less complications. :)

Simplicity holds power. Much easier to interpret and in my semi-humble opinion, easier to embrace. I'm not saying I'm going to go live without in-door plumbing or not have a tiramisu in lieu of instant pudding... but my life is more enjoyable when I stop thinking about the frivolousness and bull-shitaki that many grieve through in this day and age. One side effect of this is having to release the need to hit people over the head with a simple 2X4. The friction felt when you meet people who are trying to throw their junk on your shoulders is palpable if you're not prepared.

Part of this simplicity is the phrase "Going with the flow." A control freak like who I used to be has difficulty accepting the fact that she cannot save everyone. She cannot help her friends that are trapped in circular thinking. She cannot make someone do anything they are not ready to do themselves. Or rather... it would be an inefficient use of energy to make someone do anything they wouldn't normally. Yes, of course, there are ways of pressing the chords in balance with the will of the practitioner. I am perfectly able to press out a crafting if so motivated. However, I love my life a bit too much to use a gentle talent such as magical work for something that doesn't amount to a hill a' beans. Unsorted rock infested beans.

Magical work when I first started practicing... started out with complicated constructs and a lovely shiny athame. These days my magical work is putting cucumbers on my plate and walking with nature instead of through it. The older I get... the more I understand that energy isn't just the ethereal. It isn't just the unseen. It isn't just circles and wards. It is the breath in my lungs and the power of my laugh. That, I believe, is why an old witch cackles. Because nothing else can sum it all up quite like a good throat splitting cackle.

Thanks for listening.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I claim you in the name of hormones!

Hi, pardon my absence. I assume no one had any wild parties while I was away yes? :)

Anyway. I had a nice meeting at our Pagan Night Out group that met this Friday. Had a student doing a paper on Paganism show up from a local college. Had a new guy be a wallflower. Also, we had cupcakes with little bitty bat-shaped sprinkles. Nice. :) Our topic of this meeting was on death. Lovely topic. Lots of deep discussions. But I fast forward.

After the meeting, one of our regular meeting participants pulls me over to tell me that he was worried that I was being very vulnerable and that my chakras below the belt were wide open. He being such a caring, endearing, compassionate soul had to warn me this... dangerous way my energy is splaying. And that whomever I'm having sex with only wants me for sex and that he thought it'd be important that I know this because he knows I need something more than just a sexual relationship. *sigh*

Why? Again? The pool of people in the Pagan community, if you aim for said pool, minimizes your foci of choices. Then you further minimize it if you are looking for someone who knows what energy work means and that is the sort of person you prefer. This gentleman is also not very used to socializing. He has a very unique perspective that I can appreciate and understand... which is actually not so good for me. So, if she (I) doesn't ignore him completely and exit stage right... then she (I) must be the girl for him. And lets devise a plan to separate her from whatever partner she is with so that he can try to swoop in as the 'rebound'/'helpful friend' and have their 'energetic' way with her. I knew immediately what his plan was and had to feign ignorance because I was tired and not willing to smack his sensitive/peculiar/manipulative eyes from his orbital rounds. So... I'm a nice lil target now. Again.

It does make me think about how many times over people have had sex with other people in the Pagan community. Locally speaking. I mean, probably about the same as any community of adults that are single/open/etc. to sexual exploration and/or just... gettin' it on. And, as someone who studies energy, I can tell you that connecting yourself energetically speaking with someone sexually can be an extremely potent tag. Kinda like rooting a piece of yourself beneath their skin. It's like the chemical markers... the animal touch that another will know that they have been claimed in some manner. You do lend yourself to vulnerability. Sex is an act of a lot of power and a lot of sensitive parts moving close to one another. The release, the subjection to the other... is vulnerable. But not necessarily bad. The vulnerability of connection is something interesting to contemplate. Who do you claim? Are they worth it? Are they family? Are they mate? Energetically speaking, if you have a one night stand, it won't be as pressed in a' signature... but it is still there. Are they worth it? To give your signature to? Physically, someone could claim that you (if male) fathered their now unborn child. Vulnerable... on both sides. Emotionally, someone could say "I love you." And mean it, first time out. What if you're not ready? What if you just wanted to relish the bodies and not the heart/soul? Danger of hurt... vulnerability. What if you have a one night stand with a witch/practitioner that follows the energetic line up to your very special place and works a spell... for good or ill. Energetic vulnerability.

Now... then you relax. All things are energy. We are all as vulnerable as babes on a table. We're all as strong as the sun. But living in a world of linear thinking... and magical thinking... what would be best to protect yourself from vulnerability. Or can you? There's energetic warding. There's being aware. There's not giving your heart away. Trust. Trust that you will fall on your feet. Trust that whomever is holding the other line of energy is willing to release it and/or hold it with perfect love and trust in return. Then there's denial. Active denial of an anti-psi type energy to dislodge any negativity. But... then there's illusion denial. To dislodge your mind from truth.

Well, I've been accused of thinking too much. I've been trying to organize my mind on this whole mess of sex and relationships. In the end, it's your gut you trust. It's the sacred animal within that motivates. And in the end, there is a lovely knot of connections. I suppose it's just a good thing to think about. How many knots do you want in your web? Will you see them 10 years down the road as beautiful moments in your life or regrets? Or are all your knots beautiful and none filled with regret. It would be sad to see knots in my web as ugly. I'd like to never regret. So, I contemplate... what is worth the trouble... who is worth the trouble and ... who the hell cares? I want to live and not be tied down. :)

Random blessings,

Monday, September 6, 2010

Restful Trees (a personal post)

Today I rest. The music of the wind shivering the tiny yellow leaves on a mostly green tree fill me with peace. Normally my mind is fast moving and flitting back and forth between thought and effort. Today my mind rests.

Over the last three weeks, I've become all aspects of womanhood for a moment. It sounds like something someone would say to explain away some bit of wisdom taken from a lighthearted and maternal moment. No. Two weeks ago I had a loss. It feels like two months... funny how time slows. I have moved forward with vigor to live life to the fullest. Dancing. Laughing. Screaming. Today I cry. I know that this isn't all that interesting a post. It's much more personal and close to me. But, I had to write. I had to write somewhere where my family doesn't pry. Where my coworkers won't leer. I had to write about an emotion that has no name. I don't know if this will make logical sense, since emotion is rarely logical.

I was the Maiden. I became the Mother. And now I am the Crone. Creation and Death dwelled within me. I mourn and rest. Soon I will live faster. Breathe harder. Smile brighter. Today, there is no rule for that. There are gentle smiles. There are soft steps. Tomorrow my words may be sharper. I will not care when someone cries. I will not hold someone who fears. All of my care and compassion are for me now. And I will drink it up until I am filled.

And I am a better woman for it. I am the dark mother... and I am healing.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kitchen Witch is not "Pagan" for Baker

Ok... just a little moment here. When doing introductions at our local PNO, one of the ladies there introduced herself as a Kitchen Witch. In fact, the only one that did so out of a room of 30. She brought brownies (which were decidedly yummy) and is credited with numerous cakes and delicious treat crafting. However... she is not a Kitchen Witch.

I know that I cannot judge her fully because... well... I'm not there with her all the time watching her do whatever it she does. Spellcraft. Rites. Mixing potions. Etc. But, I can at least judge her solidly from what I've observed. So I will... just because her blase attitude toward magic is conversely pissing me off and making me laugh at what she's pulling down toward her.

Just because you cook or enjoy cooking does not mean you are a Kitchen Witch. Hell, even if you are Pagan and like to cook and bake... again... does not mean you are a Kitchen Witch. Heck, doesn't even mean you're a Witch. She mentioned on her status line on a networking site that she needed more Pagan friends because her Christian friends outnumbered her Pagan friends (News Flash! Pagans are in the minority... course we're going to be freakin' smaller in number!) Then she went on and said something like "Don't worry Christians, we won't sacrifice you." Oh, and the reason she needs more Pagan friends? The actual reason she gave? Was because she's a Libra and she needs 'balance.' *rolls eyes* It means that you do not value your Christian friends because they are Christian. Which makes you a prejudiced f*** and a stupid mo fo for friending people just because they're Pagan. *blink blink* Hello? Anybody in there? You are not selective or thoughtful with what you do or say... Witches generally do that. Ok, I know, there's those that spew words like projectile vomit and still practice magic. I'll grant you, but... what about this...

"I'm a Dragon." No, you're a woman with a tattoo of a dragon. You do not have the self-respect enough to claim that title firstly. Though I try very hard to . And someday... someday you will meet a real one... *contemplates* no, probably not. You claim to see 'fairies' when there are none. You hallucinate and don't care about your body. Your voice remains the same as it was when you were six and you are now 43. Oh, and to top it off. A friend of mine received a tarot reading from her. So, instead of giving thoughtful advice or at least expressing what the cards reveal. You hit on her and ask her to have a threesome with your boyfriend. Yes. Witches do that. You are not trusted. You lie to yourself. And your soul music is out of tune. You hurt my ears.

~Ok rant done~

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thoughts on pheromones...

Ok. The other night I was an observer of an interesting sensual-attraction-event from which a friend of mine was the orchestrator/cause. I was warned in advance that her control of this talent was somewhat off as she noticed the attention shift increase. See, she had lost a friend and hadn't been as... reins-in with this interesting gift. She really does have to be, or things get hairy. My friend has something we call (lovingly and semi-in jest) the Mary Effect. For some reason men (and gay/bi women) are extraordinarily attracted to her. Yes she's lovely (I'm biased since she is my best friend). Her beauty exudes from the way she handles herself and her body language. But, she explains and I agree that it is an exercise in energy manipulation first and foremost. Close to a glamour, if not exactly that. She had 7 people she already knew out and out proposition/hit on her, some of them people she considers friends. It didn't matter the location as it occurred throughout the day and was more or less an area effect. I played wing-girl, which was actually fun. An interesting thing to note in how the energy that was spread out around her, other 'competing' energies fizzled out and dissipated and then were replaced with what she was projecting outward, a programmed sexually charged field that was presented in an elegant modest format.

So how's this so different than any woman putting out signals? Well... it is one of the more intense effects I've seen and amusing in a "Oh the poor dear" kind of way. Maybe it is just that, sending out signals. Physical cues. Smells. Pheromones. Looks. But when an energy worker has access to enhancing these things, it can be dangerous and very entertaining (from a purely Id perspective of course). She mentioned to me that a long time ago she had to change how she viewed men. "Men are not prey."

Last night I had a similar incident which seems to continue on into the day. I suddenly realized last night that I was doing my own version. Men and women were drawn to me in a much more potent manner. Even at work today, I had four outright mega flirtations, which is actually abnormal for me. I get little flirts and smiles normally. Even my manager said I looked different and he couldn't put his finger on it after saying whatever it was it was good. I think he thought I had a haircut or something... The only problem with this, is that I don't know how to shut it off yet. I'm working on it... and enjoying it... and toying with ideas. Well... pheromones or whatever subtle cues I have are being lit up like a Christmas Tree. I will remember that men aren't prey. And hopefully, those who sense whatever it is I'm sending out will not think I am prey either. *shrug* We shall see. I may update this seeing as I'm falling fast into sleep.


To be continued....